Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #220
Drie. Stukjes. Gedeeld deze week. Lekker kort. Vrij divers ook.
Ik ben graag alleen. Of bij een metal festival of concert.
Dat lijkt lastig te verenigen. Maar het comfort van mijn eigen tribe en de verbondenheid in de grotere aantallen... ik voel hem graag. En ik mis het enorm. In dit artikel wordt mooi verwoord waar hem dat in zit. En een optimistische conclusie dat het weer terug gaat komen.
The power of crowds | Society | The Guardian
The power of crowds | Society | The Guardian
Je hoeft geen racist te zijn om racistisch te zijn

What racism really is (hint: it’s not your attitude or belief) - The Correspondent
Our obsession with racist attitudes can obscure the fact that racism is a system, devised to justify slavery, with a hierarchy that still defines the value of our lives today – that’s why you can be racist without being a racist.
Anti-racism is the practice of actively countering anything that denies access, dignity and resources to black people. It’s about ensuring that we have the freedom to truly live. The space to be alive without wondering how we’re still alive.
White people as a social category already have that, no matter where they are in the world – in Europe, Bahia, or Lagos. Black people deserve that freedom too – and then some, because this world was built on our backs.
De milieu impact van het internet en wat tips

Using UX Design to Build a Sustainable Future | UX Magazine
I think it is a safe bet to say that not many people consider the environmental impact of the Internet, and if they do, it is likely that they view digitising content and services as a more sustainable alternative to traditional products and services. However, a Harvard study suggests that content-heavy news sites can release more greenhouse gases than print if their pages are left open for extended periods of time. According to the report ‘Clicking Clean’ released in 2014 by Greenpeace, “If the internet were a country, it would be the 6th largest user of electricity behind China, the US, Japan, India and Russia.”
Every tweet sent, every image posted, and every Facebook status update uses energy. This data is stored in data banks, the majority of which are run by non-renewable energy sources. When you consider the enormous influence of the internet, and the billions of everyday users, the price suddenly becomes tangible. The Internet has a very real environmental impact.
Most of the Internet is unsustainable, so there is an opportunity to make a very real and lasting impact through our work. The following are some ideas for ways in which UX designers can play their part in managing this global crisis.