Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #279
Verlies, sterfelijkheid, goed nieuws uit Schotland, hoe de energietransitie wél kan en iets over heksen.

How to Be Really Good at Losing :: UXmatters
Even When You Win, You May Still Lose
Winning … rarely provides learning opportunities.
I am going to make a bold statement, but one I think will resonate: Winning has never made anyone a better person. Winning certainly helps us see the results of our dedication and hard work, but it rarely provides learning opportunities. Losing, on the other hand, should inspire self-reflection, so we can figure out what we could be doing better. Losing—if we think of it in the right way and internalize the experience productively—should result in a surge in self-improvement.

The WeCroak app is inspired by a Bhutanese folk saying: to be a happy person, one must contemplate death five times daily.
Each day, we’ll send you five invitations to stop and think about death. Our invitations come at random times and at any moment, just like death. When they come, you can open the app to reveal a quote about death from a poet, philosopher, or notable thinker.
We encourage you to take one moment for contemplation, conscious breathing or meditation. We believe that a regular practice of contemplating mortality helps us accept what we must, let go of things that don’t matter and honor the things that do.
If you want to go deeper into action, consider joining Leap for challenges to help you face impermanence in all its aspects and live better lives today.

Scotland becomes first country in world to embed LGBT education in school curriculum | The Scotsman
Scotland has become the first country in the world to embed lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusive education across the school curriculum.

In gesprek met de effectiefste klimaatactivist van Nederland: Marjan Minnesma - De Correspondent
De laatste aflevering van dit seizoen van De Rudi & Freddie Show! We gaan out with a bang: een uitgebreid gesprek met niemand minder dan Marjan Minnesma, directeur van stichting Urgenda, winnaar van de historische klimaatzaak tegen de Nederlandse staat, een vrouw die altijd in oplossingen blijft denken.

Heks, dat is hoe bange mannen vrouwen met macht noemen - De Correspondent
De tegenstanders van minister Sigrid Kaag vierden haar aftreden met de hashtag #hexit, ‘de heks is exit’. Lijkt een onschuldig woordgrapje, maar er gaat een eeuwenoud systeem van vrouwenhaat, marteling en uitsluiting achter schuil – en een diepgewortelde angst voor mondige vrouwen met macht.