Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #273
Ik hou 't kort. En dan ga ik op vakantie en ben ik in september weer terug. Even geen filters dus mensen!
Doe niet zo boos!
"Anger is a powerful emotion -- it warns us of threat, insult, indignity and harm. But across the world, girls and women are taught that their anger is better left unvoiced, says author Soraya Chemaly. Why is that, and what might we lose in this silence? In a provocative, thoughtful talk, Chemaly explores the dangerous lie that anger isn't feminine, showing how women's rage is justified, healthy and a potential catalyst for change."
Even bellen met je overleden geliefde
Een tijd geleden deelde ik al de film over de telefooncel in Japan waar je je overleden geliefde nog even kan bellen. The Phone of the Wind. Prachtig verhaal. Er is er nu ook een in Nederland. Lees maar.

Hier kijkt niemand er gek van op als je met je overleden familielid praat - De Correspondent
Simpel is echt rete ingewikkeld.
“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
― Mark Twain

5 Reasons Why Designing Simple Experiences is Psychologically Impossible | UX Magazine
Simple is exponentially harder than complex, namely because there’s a psychological chasm that most teams cannot surpass… or perhaps they have not been setup to succeed with simplicity due to a lack of time, money, and/or skill.