Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #171
Nieuws is slecht voor je. Een "makkelijke" duurzame keuze. Mentale modellen. Muzikale Syrische broers. Plant een boom of tienduizend. Baudet debunked. Een metal priester.
News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier | Media | The Guardian
News is bad for you. It leads to fear and aggression. It hinders your creativity and makes you sick. We should stop consuming it, says Rolf Dobelli, who's abstained for years

Wie met de trein of fiets reist, maakt een verschil – voor het klimaat én de lucht die we inademen - De Correspondent
Wie met de trein of fiets reist, maakt een verschil – voor het klimaat én de lucht die we inademen

Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful - Gabriel Weinberg - Medium
I find mental models are useful to try to make sense of things and to help generate ideas. To actually be useful, however, you have to apply them in the right context at the right time. And for that to happen naturally, you have to know them well and practice using them. Therefore, here are two suggestions for using this list: For mental models you don’t know or don’t know well, you can use this list as a jumping off point to study them. I’ve provided links (mainly to Wikipedia) to start that process. When you have a particular problem in front of you, you can go down this list, and see if any of the models could possibly apply.

Deze Syrische broers maken samen techno, hoewel ze duizenden kilometers van elkaar gescheiden zijn - De Correspondent
‘Ik heb hem op mijn linkerarm en Fares op zijn rechter. De dag dat we samen op het podium staan, sta ik rechts en hij links, en dan zullen we onze armen uitstrekken met de tattoos tegen elkaar aan. Dat moment gaat er komen, het gaat gebeuren. Daarover twijfel ik geen moment.’
Sebastião Salgado focuses on big picture with parable of reforestation in Brazil | John Vidal | Global development | The Guardian
“Perhaps we have a solution. There is a single being which can transform CO2 to oxygen, which is the tree. We need to replant the forest. You need forest with native trees, and you need to gather the seeds in the same region you plant them or the serpents and the termites won’t come. And if you plant forests that don’t belong, the animals don’t come there and the forest is silent.

Thierry Baudet verkondigde in 2 minuten 18 onwaarheden over het klimaat. Dit zijn ze - De Correspondent
Voilà, 18 onwaarheden schoon aan de haak. In krap twee minuten zendtijd. Knap is het wel. Misleidend ook.

The High Priest of Heavy Metal
At first, Father Culat treated the harsh music as an object of interest and study, which of course meant listening to it. “I was like a scientist in a laboratory,” Culat says. “I didn’t feel any attraction, I just wanted to know more about it.” In typical metalhead fashion, the fans in the community inundated him with recommendations. Cassettes and CDs began to pile up at Culat’s home next to his books on theology and philosophy. Gradually, he found himself listening to some of the albums not out of scientific curiosity but for recreational purposes.