Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #24
De vierdaagse in tropisch Nijmegen heeft mij veel naar buiten gelokt, weg van de computer. Heerlijk. Ik stuitte op drie pareltjes. Een van mijn favoriete regisseurs, David Lynch, over creativiteit, Xavier Rudd over de Didgeridoo en Google's nieuwe app die je virtueel laat genieten van onmetelijk veel kunstcollecties. Enjoy.

David Lynch on Where Great Ideas Come From - The Atlantic - The Atlantic
In an animated interview, the filmmaker gives advice on creativity.

Xavier Rudd: Life Lessons From the Didgeridoo — Medium
“It’s the flow. There’s no gap, there’s no space — it’s one continuous drone. It’s connectedness. It’s reminding us all that we’re all one; every part of this earth is equal. We’re no different than any leaf on a tree. We’re all part of creation and that flow that was meant for creation is still there.” He smiles and continues, “You can hop out of it, but it’s nice to remember that it’s still there, and we’re a part of it. We’re not just on the earth, we’re of the earth.”
Google's New App Isn't The Next Best Thing To The Louvre. It Might Be Better | Co.Design | business + design
Google Arts & Culture turns art from all over the world into a meta museum.