Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #23

Over creativiteit en haar killers. Over geluid en stilte. Over luisteren of juist liever niet. Over iets dat ik nooit snapte en nu wel een beetje maar nog steeds denk ik niet kan uitleggen. Over iets dat ik altijd snapte maar nog zo vaak mis zie gaan en dat ik dat dan weer niet snap. Kortom... meander met me mee door mijn week op internet. Delen = lief.


Help mee Sir Ken Robinson naar Nederland te halen- Live on Demand

Help mee Sir Ken Robinson naar Nederland te halen- Live on Demand

Met Live on Demand kan je inspirerende sprekers een podium geven door een event te organiseren en voldoende kaartjes te verkopen. Als de spreker dan ook akkoord gaat om te komen heb je een mooi feestje gecrowdsourced. Nu is er een poging gaande om Sir Ken Robinson te laten komen. Jij kan helpen hem naar Nederland te halen.

"Creativity: It’s been maligned, neglected and misunderstood. But its finally coming to its own, according to Ken Robinson. Both creativity and critical thinking have been listed as essential 21st century skills. The world is tremendously changing, and the only way to solve the big challenges that lie ahead is by using our creative minds. Join us for a unique event filled with inspiring speakers and interactive roundtable discussions."

Ken Robinson | Speaker |

Ken Robinson | Speaker |

Ken Robinson's pagina op TED voor als je wat voorproefjes wilt.

"Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence."

Over geluid. En over stilte

A Sidewalk That Sings As You Dance With Your Shadow  | Co.Design | business + design

A new installation encourages people of all ages to join together and dance...or at least flail.

Bothered by Noise? Try Being a Bat - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

Bothered by Noise? Try Being a Bat - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

Human noise is a rising global pollutant. Urbanization, road networks, and energy extraction infrastructure are all widespread and…

This Is Your Brain on Silence - Issue 38: Noise - Nautilus

This Is Your Brain on Silence - Issue 38: Noise - Nautilus

One icy night in March 2010, 100 marketing experts piled into the Sea Horse Restaurant in Helsinki, with the modest goal of making…

Over luisteren, of soms juist liever niet!

First Rule of Usability? Don't Listen to Users

First Rule of Usability? Don't Listen to Users

For good UX, watch what users do, not what they say. Self-reported claims and speculations about future behavior are unreliable. Users do not know what they want.

Horrible Advice: Never listen to your customers - DIY Marketing Blog

Horrible Advice: Never listen to your customers - DIY Marketing Blog

Horrible Advice: Never listen to your customers - DIY Marketing Blog

Iets dat ik nooit begrepen heb (en nu wel een beetje)

Entropy explained

Entropy Explained, With Sheep From Melting Ice Cubes to a Mystery About Time

Iets dat ik echt DUHH logisch vind...

30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of – Smashing Magazine

30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of – Smashing Magazine

In this article we present 30 important usability issues, terms, rules and principles which are usually forgotten, ignored or misunderstood. What is the difference between readability and legibility? What exactly does 80/20 or Pareto principle mean? What is meant with minesweeping and satisficing? And what is Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation? OK, it’s time to dive in.