Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #22
Wekelijkse dosis inspirerends.
Strategisch lui zijn

Want to Create Things That Matter? Be Lazy. - 99U
What’s the lesson to take away here? If you’re driven to produce things that matter, then you need to put deep work at the center of your professional life. To do so will probably require that you become lazier in the Feynman and Stephenson sense of the term: that is, you must treat with sluggish wariness efforts that keep you away from depth, regardless of how many small benefits they promise.

De kluizenaarsweek, thuiskomen bij mezelf - SANNE ROEMEN
Ik heb er zelf ook veel over geschreven. Mijn hele leven ervaar ik al dat het heel goed werkt om me stil te houden. Om als een rustige jager in mijn hangmat te liggen, de boog binnen handbereik, mijn zintuigen op scherp maar toch ontspannen. In zo’n staat van zijn ontvouwen de dingen zich aan mij en kan ik opveren, aanleggen, richten en schieten en dat is dan ook meestal raak. Het beeld dat ik heb van een jager is iemand die strategisch lui is. Die zijn energie spaart om precies op het juiste moment het juiste ding te doen.
Zonder ben ik nergens

Why Startups Love Moleskines - The New Yorker
Zonder Moleskine (en Pilot Hi-Tec C pen) ben ik nergens.
David Sax on analog ideas and products, such as Moleskine notebooks, that remain viable and popular despite advances in digital technology.

How Smart Leaders Build Trust | Stanford Graduate School of Business
Zonder vertrouwen ben ik nergens.
Peterson provides three tests for deciding who to trust. The first is character. “We can’t trust a leader without integrity, who we can’t count on to do what he or she says,” he explains. Next is competence. You trust your mom, for example, but would you trust her to fly a 747 to London? The third, he says, is authority to deliver. There’s no point in trusting a pilot to fly to London if she doesn’t have permission to take off.
Wekelijkse dosis UX

Everything you should know to conduct a kickass user testing — Prototyping: From UX to Front End
Recently the number of apps in android and iOs market exceeded 8 million, not to forget an unlimited number of website and web-apps popping…
Wekelijkse dosis willekeurige schoonheid

‘Grief bacon’ and other untranslatable words for the highs and lows of love | Aeon Videos
Love might be universal but, as this brief animation shows, it’s not always easily translatable. Made in association with the CBC podcast Love Me, the Canadian director Andrew Norton’s short film explores 13 distinctive words from across the globe that describe the highs, lows and everything-in-betweens of romantic love.

Hi, I'm Liz
I can draw (sort of) © Liz Climo 2011

A G A I N on Vimeo
If you couldn't die, what would happen? “AGAIN” is a 2D short animation that explores the idea that life is a series of meaningless routines.…