Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #16
De pareltjes van het internet heb ik weer uit de oesters gepeuterd voor jullie. Met dank en met liefde. Vandaag een van de eerste 15 subscribers live de hand mogen schudden, dat was leuk Madeleine!
Deel vooral weer verder he?

'The Little Prince': verfilming van het iconische kinderverhaal van Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (trailer) - Humo: The Wild Site
Het boek van Antoine de Saint-Exupéry dateert alweer uit 1943, maar het publiek is het verhaal van de kleine prins nog lang niet beu. Filmmaker...

The Universe in 4 Minutes - YouTube
Hele fijne uitleg van het universum.
"I hope the universe lasts longer than 4 minutes. Personally I last 2 and a half."

Solution to the Grandfather Paradox | MyScienceAcademy
Mijn hoofd tolt als ik te lang over dit dilemma nadenk. Vanaf nu niet meer!
If you could travel back in time, and you killed your grandfather, would you be killing your future self? What do physics, complexity theory, and computer

BBC Radio 4 - Dangerous Visions - 42 Douglas Adams quotes to live by
25 mei is international towel day. Google maar even als je niet weet wat dat is. Hier in ieder geval 42 levenslessen.
"Douglas Adams, the author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy knew a thing or two"

Verdwalen in een online museum... 40.000 werken gratis beschikbaar gesteld door Smithsonian
Art lovers who visit my hometown of Washington, DC have an almost embarrassing wealth of opportunities to view art collections classical, Baroque, Renaissance, modern, postmodern, and otherwise through the Smithsonian’s network of museums. From the East and West Wings of the National Gallery, to the Hirshhorn, with its wondrous sculpture garden, to the American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery—I’ll admit, it can be a little overwhelming, and far too much to take in during a weekend jaunt, especially if you’ve got restless family in tow. (One can’t, after all, miss the Natural History or Air and Space Museums… or, you know… those monuments.)

Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth Catalog, the book that changed the world | Books | The Guardian
Held en inspiratiebron Stewart Brand staat centraal in dit ouwetje:
"Stewart Brand was at the heart of 60s counterculture and is now revered as a tech visionary whose book anticipated the web."

6 Reasons To Embrace Procrastination | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Ook 'last' van uitstelgedrag? Ik wel! Maar dat is niet per sé slecht:
"procrastination is really the art of managing delay, and it can lead to greater success and happiness"

Lidia Yuknavitch: The beauty of being a misfit | TED Talk |
Kreeg ik natte oogjes van:
"To those who feel like they don't belong: there is beauty in being a misfit. Author Lidia Yuknavitch shares her own wayward journey in an intimate recollection of patchwork stories about loss, shame and the slow process of self-acceptance. "Even at the moment of your failure, you are beautiful," she says. "You don't know it yet, but you have the ability to reinvent yourself endlessly. That's your beauty.""

Jane McGonigal | Speaker |
We moeten de werkelijkheid op een game laten lijken en daarmee de wereld verbeteren. Klinkt gek? Niet zoals zij het zegt.
"Reality is broken, says Jane McGonigal, and we need to make it work more like a game. Her work shows us how."
User Experience Design oogst van de week

The UX of Learning UX is Broken — Medium
The problem is that the UX industry is misunderstood. For wonderful reasons, we cannot be defined as one thing and there’s no one true path to success. We’ve been fighting for almost 20 years now to just gain the recognition that our role in the creation of a product not only matters — it is critical. And now we’re at a place where it’s trendy to be in User Experience. That’s a huge victory for the profession, but we need to fight to not let it be cheapened by thinking just anyone can do it. Just like not everyone is fit to be a doctor or a carpenter or an astronaut.

User Experience Is The Key To Surviving The Adblockalypse — BuySellAds Editorials — Medium
the majority of content online is frustratingly difficult to consume, and advertisements are typically getting in the way of a great user experience not enhancing them.
Books for UX workshops — AGUX
These seven books help you shift to collaborative design and guide you to planning and facilitating successful UX and strategy workshops.

Designing A Dementia-Friendly Website – Smashing Magazine
An ever-growing number of web users around the world are living with dementia. They have very varied levels of computer literacy and may be experiencing some of the following issues: memory loss, confusion, issues with vision and perception, difficulties sequencing and processing information, reduced problem-solving abilities, or problems with language.

Complete Beginner's Guide to UX Research | UX Booth
UX research—or as it’s sometimes called, design research—serves many purposes throughout the design process. It helps us identify and prove or disprove our assumptions, find commonalities across our target audience members, and recognize their needs, goals, and mental models. Overall, research informs our work, improves our understanding, and validates our decisions.

Why Your Brand Doesn’t Need Anyone To #Participate In Anything | Co.Create | creativity + culture + commerce
Stop trying to be friends with consumers and do something worthy of their attention, says Firstborn's associate director of strategy.