Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #12
Ondanks de vrijwel afwezige internetverbinding heb ik toch een paar interessante artikelen gevonden voor jullie deze week.

Zoektocht naar plekken waar mensen gelukkiger zijn - Wageningen UR
Het onderzoek HappyHier wil bijdragen aan een leefomgeving die mensen gelukkiger maakt. Je kan eraan meewerken door een iPhone app te downloaden.

Double agent | World news | The Guardian
Mooie longread!
Norah Vincent spent 18 months disguised as a man. She relives the boys nights out, the bad dates - and what happened when she ended up in bed with another woman
"Dating women was the hardest thing I had to do as Ned, even when the women liked me and I liked them. I have never felt more vulnerable to total strangers, never more socially defenceless than in my clanking suit of borrowed armour. But then, I guess maybe that's one of the secrets of manhood that no man tells if he can help it. Every man's armour is borrowed and 10 sizes too big, and beneath it he's naked and insecure and hoping you won't see."

The secret rules of the internet | The Verge
Mooi overzicht van de geschiedenis van content moderatie en van de actuele stand van zaken.
Content management is rarely dealt with as a prioritized organizational concern — centrally bringing together legal, customer service, security, privacy, safety, marketing, branding, and personnel to create a unified approach. Rather, it is still usually shoehorned into structures never built for a task so complex.