Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #280
De Dutch Design Week is weer gaande. Van 16 tot en met 24 oktober. Dit jaar ben ik met RWS aan de slag met de Embassy of Mobility. Woensdag ontvangen we gasten, en voor hen ploos (pluisde?) ik het hele programma met een stofkam uit. Zodat zij niet lamgeslagen worden door de keuzestress die mij eerdere jaren omver blies. Er bleven een paar parels in mijn filters hangen die ik speciaal voor jullie wilde bewaren. Kunst, design, sociaal engagement, activisme, beetje punk. Hier voor jullie dus deze outliers. Ook als je niet van plan bent naar DDW te gaan leuk om te bekijken. Vooral de video's, indien voorhanden. Die vertellen de verhalen het best.

Feel the future of fashion's inclusivity! - SeeFeel | Dutch Design Week
Feel the future of fashion's inclusivity!The message of SeeFeel is clear: making sure all garments are completely inclusive for ALL people, including those with a visual impairment. That means functional garments, but without compromising esthetics. By adding tangible details and by using fabric...

Show me where your nose, ear, vulva are - Daria Wypiór | Dutch Design Week
Show me where your nose ear, vulva are.The newborn child is focused on observation, understanding, learning the world. For most of the parents addressing childrens queries about their bodies is not a problem. Embarrassment occurs when children start asking about the intimate areas. Ignoring these co...

Endless movement - Smith & Winken laboratory | Dutch Design Week
Endless Mouvement is a slight gap between time and space.The viewer's attention is fixed on the surrounding world, where everything is in motion. The authors use wood, paper, textiles, and metal as the primary materials, while the elements of the sculptures are set in motion by specially designed me...

The Return of the Wolf - Berkveldt | Dutch Design Week
A wolf's fairytaleAfter an absence of 150 years, the wolf has made her return to the Netherlands. By doing so, she is making us rethink the way we have designed our landscape. In the Netherlands, nature and animals are only allowed to live in fenced areas; this confinement of species contributes to ...

Roesologie - SMELT X The Performance Bar | Dutch Design Week
Emancipation of the roes (high)We believe that we should take ‘the roes’ more seriously in our lives. Roes (the rush, the high, flow feeling): the moment where self-consciousness, sense of time and daily reality disappear into the background. With or without the use of chemical substances, a st...

Debut at De Buut - Debut at De Buut | Dutch Design Week
DDW in the Rochusbuurt neighborhoodDutch Design Week is an international event that every year attract thousands of designers and design lovers from all over the world but a lot of citizens from Eindhoven feel the distance from a design world that might look unaccessible to some extent. The proje...