Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #173

Zondag! Ik rol langzaam de zomerfeesten uit. Heb kennelijk nog momentjes gevonden om wat links met jullie te delen. Enjoy tropical Holland!!

Stuur je aandacht ook op vakantie, liefst permanent

The Attention Diet | Mark Manson

The Attention Diet | Mark Manson

Distractions have become so pervasive in the digital age that we've come to accept them as normal. Here's how we can escape their grip and free our minds a little.

Imagine the world for us...

Can Sci-Fi Writers Prepare Us for an Uncertain Future? | WIRED

Can Sci-Fi Writers Prepare Us for an Uncertain Future? | WIRED

Businesses and public policy makers are tapping novelists to imagine the path forward. But how much stock should we put in the predictions of storytellers?

Like Leonardo did

Leonardo da Vinci’s laboratory: studies in flow

Leonardo da Vinci’s laboratory: studies in flow

On the 500th anniversary of the Renaissance icon’s death, Martin Kemp looks anew at his innovative experimental models for the motion of water and blood.

Voor als je het warm hebt...

How to build your own air conditioner / Boing Boing

How to build your own air conditioner / Boing Boing

If you've got a spare bedroom and never plan on having company over, then you've got the space to build and run your own desiccant-based air conditioning system. I mean, sure, some of the stuff that makes the system work are a lil' toxic and you'll need to be cool with having an open flame…

Plaatjes kiek’n

Infographic: The Shape of the World, According to Ancient Maps

Infographic: The Shape of the World, According to Ancient Maps

What did ancient maps look like, before we had access to airplanes and satellites? See the evolution of the world map in this nifty infographic.