Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters - Editie #165
Boe! Klimaatverandering! En Afrika op kop tegen zwerfplastic. Deep work. Henk Blanken's waardige levenseinde en een longread over hackers in de '80s.

Klimaatverandering is het grote verhaal van onze tijd dat alles zou moeten domineren - De Correspondent
In de afgelopen dertig jaar heeft de mensheid meer broeikasgassen uitgestoten dan in de 250 jaar ervoor. We hebben nog één generatie om het tij te keren. Waarom hebben we het nog over iets anders? (Je kunt dit verhaal lezen of luisteren.)

Africa is leading the world in plastic bag bans — Quartz Africa
Plastic bag bans are imperfect—the cotton totes that often replace single-use plastics cause environmental problems, too. But while critics question the effectiveness of these efforts, there is evidence such bans work to reduce both waste and pollution. As African nations have shown, taking action can quickly lead to an improved environment.

4 Strategies to Produce Deep, Meaningful Work
While most of the professional world exists in areas that resemble “a distracting open office where inboxes cannot be neglected and meetings are incessant; where colleagues would rather you respond quickly to their latest email than produce the best possible results,” deep work acts as a supercharged environment to produce top-tier results. You can begin cultivating your deep work habits today. Which strategy is right for you?

Als ik niet meer wéét dat ik leef, wil ik sterven. Dit is mijn wilsverklaring - De Correspondent
Henk Blanken "Hoe wil je sterven, vroeg mijn huisarts, als je zo dement ben dat je niet meer begrijpt wat euthanasie is? Het was de hoogste tijd mijn wilsverklaring op te stellen. Dat doe ik vandaag, in de vorm van dit essay."

The Untold Story of the Teen Hackers Who Transformed the Early Internet
On October 12th, 1983, Bill Landreth called his friend Chris in Detroit to chat. Chris frantically explained that the FBI had raided his house. “Don’t call me anymore,” Chris said in what would be a very short conversation. Bill didn’t know exactly what was happening, but he did know this: If the FBI had come for Chris, then he might be next.