Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #72
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Women Journalists, Muslim Countries | Global Investigative Journalism Network Women Journalists, Muslim Countries – Global Investigative Journalism Network
Iranian journalist Yeganeh Rezaian confronts the difficulties women reporters face while working in Muslim countries in a paper for Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy. In this excerpt, she writes about old-fashioned sexual harassment and the problem with interviewing other women.
Sociale studies zijn belangrijk, juist in tech

Tracy Chou, leading Silicon Valley engineer, explains why every tech worker needs a humanities education — Quartz
"[But] it is never too late to be curious. Each of us can choose to learn, to read, to talk to people, to travel, and to engage intellectually and ethically. I hope that we all do so—so that we can come to acknowledge the full complexity and wonder of the world we live in, and be thoughtful in designing the future of it."
Een fenomeen om je bewust van te zijn

Social Cooling
If you feel you are being watched, you change your behavior. Big Data is supercharging this effect. This could limit your desire to take risks or exercise free speech. Over the long term these 'chilling effects' could 'cool down' society.
This is how it works:
Een superhandige handleiding voor positieve actie!

Beautiful Trouble | A toolbox for revolution
Beautiful Trouble is a book, web toolbox and international network of artist-activist trainers whose mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective.
En eentje om ruimte te maken voor je eigen verhaal

How to Be Heard When Talking to a Chronic Interrupter -- Science of Us
When “just keep talking” is daunting advice, there are still things you can do to make sure your voice is heard.
Hier eentje om kleine lettertjes te vermijden

One design firm's jargon-free contract: 'Time is money. More time is more money' / Boing Boing
Een gestroomlijnd contract zonder bullshit.
En hier een voor als je woorden tekort komt

Review: Afterliff, the new dictionary of things there should be words for / Boing Boing
The Liff books are dictionaries of "things that there aren't any words for yet."
Tot slot: geometrische mathematische magie

The Magic and Mathematics of Paper-Folding |
The ancient art of paper-folding (zhezhi in Chinese and origami in Japanese) can be impressive to viewers of all ages. But no less impressive is the mathematics behind origami.