Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #62
Vier hapklare beetjes voor jou deze week. Take your (cherry-)pick. Doe er je voordeel mee. Share the love. Tot volgende week.
Een beetje SciFi
Take in the entire history of science fiction with this gorgeous poster | The Verge

A Tribute To Carrie Fisher - YouTube
May the Force be with you.
Een beetje geld

In Nederland kan een verkeersboete je leven ruïneren
Wat begint met een kleine boete, mondt uit in een jarenlange bureaucratische nachtmerrie waarin de schuldenaar door een cultuur van vergelding steeds verder in de problemen komt. Uitzonderlijk? Nee, het is eerder de norm in de bizarre Nederlandse schuldenindustrie.

Basisinkomen - Toffe video over tof onderwerp
Heb jij weleens gehoord van het basisinkomen? Of vraag je je af hoe dit nu precies zit? Deze korte, creatieve Cut Motion Video zet jou aan het denken, en pra...
Een beetje stof tot nadenken
When Pixels Collide
Last weekend, a fascinating act in the history of humanity played out on Reddit. For April Fool's Day, Reddit launched a little experiment. It gave its users, who are all anonymous, a blank canvas called Place. The rules were simple. Each user could choose one pixel from 16 colors to place anywhere on the canvas. They could place as many pixels of as many colors as they wanted, but they had to wait a few minutes between placing each one. Over the following 72 hours, what emerged was nothing short of miraculous. A collaborative artwork that shocked even its inventors.

Umberto Eco’s Antilibrary: Why Unread Books Are More Valuable to Our Lives than Read Ones – Brain Pickings
How to become an "antischolar" in a culture that treats knowledge as "an ornament that allows us to rise in the pecking order."
Een beetje techniek

Book Review: User Story Mapping :: UXmatters
The book is a fabulous work on story mapping and its applications, benefits, and pitfalls. [...] a must read for everyone working in agile or Lean development, as well as those who are just starting to explore these approaches. I believe this book would be immensely helpful to UX professionals who are trying to apply user story mapping in their work, and I highly recommend the book to anyone working in product development.

Ranking the best encryption apps for journalists | IJNet
Niet alleen voor journalisten