Sanne Roemen - Door mijn filters #27
Over positieve en niet zo positieve impact van technologie op de maatschappij. Een video van een lezing van game-designer / futurist Jane McGonigal die games inzet voor maatschappelijke impact. Waarom het geloof in een platte aarde, chemtrails, anti-vaccinatie zo hardnekkig kan zijn (weet je meteen waar ik sta in die discussie).
En tot slot een longread waarin de populaire procesmanagement methode Scrum gefileerd wordt. Enjoy. Sharen = liev.
Technologie met positieve maatschappelijke impact
Africa calling: mobile phone revolution to transform democracies | World news | The Guardian
Explosive growth in mobile broadband use across the continent is improving transparency and giving a voice to citizens
Creator of chatbot that beat 160,000 parking fines now tackling homelessness | Technology | The Guardian
Teenager who designed DoNotPay to overturn tickets in London and New York expands service to assist those dealing with housing problems in the UK

Video: Jane McGonigal, game designer en futurist. Gebruikt games voor maatschappelijke transformatie.
"... in my line of work I spend a lot of time helping people imagine things that are really hard to imagine. And what is my line of work? Well, I'm a game designer. And I'm also a futurist. I research what the future might be like. I talk to people about the future they might live in some day. And this is not exactly a common combination of career paths, as far as I know I'm the only game designer futurist, but these two lines of work do have one important thing in common. As a game designer and as a futurist I see it as my job to transport people to worlds that don't exist, to imaginary places. Whether they are a virtual world or whether they are a world we might live in someday, a world that might come to pass or might not come to pass. And my goal as a game designer and as a futurist is to make sure that when people leave these imagined worlds that they feel more creative, more optimistic and most importantly, that they feel more confident and certain of their own capability to transform those worlds."
Negatieve impact van technologie op journalistiek
How technology disrupted the truth | Katharine Viner | Media | The Guardian
Social media has swallowed the news – threatening the funding of public-interest reporting and ushering in an era when everyone has their own facts. But the consequences go far beyond journalism
Wanneer je uitgeluld bent
Why bad ideas refuse to die | Steven Poole | Science | The Guardian
The Long Read: They may have been disproved by science or dismissed as ridiculous, but some foolish beliefs endure. In theory they should wither away – but it’s not that simple
Lenig zijn om te innoveren
Agile werkmethoden zijn al een tijd 'hip' in software-ontwikkeling. Voor mijn werk als adviseur en begeleider van innovatie in de maatschappelijke hoek werk ik graag 'lenig'. Waarde creëren voor en vooral samen met je klant, experimenteren, kleine iteraties, veilig 'falen'. Door de jaren heen heb ik methoden voor het faciliteren van creatieve groepsprocessen bij elkaar gesprokkeld. Art of Hosting, Cognitive Edge, Appreciative Inquiry etc. In september ga ik het Scrum certificaat aan mijn gereedschapskist toevoegen. Uiteraard kom ik juist in de aanloop daarnaartoe ook veel kritische artikelen over Scrum tegen.
Why I'm not a big fan of Scrum
Crux: Scrum, which is a software management methodology, and not a software engineering methodology, that it's only concerned with organizing the teams' time and workload, and anything else is the business of an engineering methodology, such as XP